Farm market

Work package 3 | Institutional change

Within CropMix, we work in co-creation: that means coming up with ideas together with chain partners and researchers from different disciplines to make the agricultural system more sustainable.

Our co creation platform are the living labs, that make connections right across the work packages. In the living labs, we will set the research agenda and experiment together to see what works and what does not in the transition to ecologically sound agriculture.

Goal: Het verhelderen en stimuleren van het onstaan en ontwikkelen van transitiepaden in multi-actornetwerken, in relatie tot veranderingen in de bredere beleidsomgeving.

Work package 3 consists of social scientists and transition scholars and focuses on the social context and transition paths. The research falls into three PhD projects.

Research projects

Co-creation processes

Institutional scaling readiness

Farm market

Consumer and stakeholder perspectives

CropMix is financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO)

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