Here you can read the latest news about CropMix and updates on our progress.
Research meeting 17 September
Op 17 september kwamen onze wetenschappers weer bijeen voor een onderzoeksbijeenkomst in Wageningen. We hadden levendige discussies en enkele PhD’s presenteerden hun eerste resultaten. Eerst bespraken we…
Read MoreThe role of power in transdisciplinary research
What is power and how does it play a role in transdisciplinary research projects? That question was the focus of Rathenau Institute's symposium on 12 September, titled: Under influence: the role of power...
Read MoreCropMix winter school: Transition to sustainable, ecology-based agriculture
Van 2 tot 7 februari 2025 organiseert CropMix een postdoctorale cursus gericht op de transitie in de landbouw. De inschrijving staat nu open! Transitie naar duurzame landbouw De (Nederlandse) landbouwsector st…
Read MoreConsortium meeting Lelystad - 4 July
Last week, our consortium travelled to Lelystad for a consortium meeting as well as a visit to the BioVelddag. This time there was no storm and even some sunshine, which made the barn a good place to be.
Read MoreLooking to the future: Circlefarms and restoring biodiversity
Circlefarm is a concept developed by Floris Schoonderbeek and his team.
Read MoreSpotlighted: Marcel van Diemen
Pumpkin expert Marcel van Diemen talking about his work as a seed breeder the organic sector.
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