Crop diversity for a transition towards sustainable agriculture

Arable farmers, researchers and chain partners are joining forces to achieve a breakthrough in the transition to sustainable arable farming in the five-year research programme CropMix. The focus is on increasing crop diversity, in particular through strip cropping. By doing so, we want to bring ecology and arable farming together and drive the societal transition to a more sustainable, ecology-based agricultural system.


A common question from arable farmers considering strip cropping or other forms of mixed cropping is: which crops go well together? To find out, we are enlisting the help of about 800 experienced and inexperienced vegetable gardeners to test different combinations in our experiment MoestuinMix.

Wanted: students for thesis projects

Our PhD candidates are regularly looking for students to supervise and who can help them with their research. Are you looking for a spot to write your bachelor or master thesis? Take a look at our vacancies page.


Read the latest news and updates on CropMix and our findings.

Consortium meeting Lelystad - 4 July

Vorige week reisde ons consortium af naar Lelystad voor een consortiumbijeenkomst én een bezoekje aan de BioVelddag. Dit keer geen storm en zelfs een …

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Looking to the future: Circlefarms and restoring biodiversity

Circlefarm is een concept van het team van Floris Schoondrbeek.

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Spotlighted: Marcel van Diemen

Pompoenexpert Marcel van Diemen aan het woord over zijn werk als zadenveredelaar de biologische sector.

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Living labs

CropMix is financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO)

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