Het wetenschappelijke team van CropMix is onderverdeeld in drie werkpakketten. Elk met hun eigen focus. De komende vijf jaar werken 20 PhD-kandidaten en twee postdocs aan afzonderlijke projecten, waarbij zij zoveel mogelijk samenwerken. De vragen vanuit de akkerbouwers en andere stakeholders over de transitie naar op ecologie gebaseerde landbouw sturen de focus van het onderzoek.

This work package focuses on above-ground and below-ground interactions. We look at the interactions between plants, crops, insects and other species living in the field and the differences between strip cropping and monocultures.
Economy, logistics and innovation
This work package looks at the economic feasibility of investments for farmers to switch to more crop-diverse systems, such as strip cropping, and what factors influence their willingness to adopt ecology based types of farming.

Institutional change
This work package consists of social scientists and transition scholars and focuses on the social context and transition pathways. What is the role of consumers and other stakeholders? And what do different transition pathways towards more sustainable agriculture look like?