Here you can read the latest news about CropMix and updates on our progress.
Value Ring for Mariëlle Keijzer
Last week on 13 October, one of our participating arable farmers received an award. Mariëlle Keijzer received from the hands of agriculture deputy Jan Klopman on behalf of the province of Flevoland the Value-Ring...
Read MoreMasterclass strip cropping
On 27 September, Dirk van Apeldoorn gave a masterclass strip cropping to our researchers.
Read MoreHarvest in full swing
The time is ripe for harvesting. Several crops such as oats, field beans and onions have been harvested on the experimental fields in recent weeks. Pumpkins were early this year and many...
Read MorePlasticine caterpillars
Our field assistants started yet another third round of their measurements in the arable network this month. New this round are the malaise traps, for catching...
Read MoreFarmland birds and strip cropping
Within CropMix, field birds are routinely covered in the bird counts by the field technicians on all participating arable farms. They are also covered more specifically in the PhD research of Rik Waenink...
Read MoreSecond consortium meeting
It was a stormy day as storm Poly swept across the country. The northern provinces, including Flevoland, were particularly hard hit and code red was issued during the morning rush hour...
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