The following people are part of the CropMix consortium on behalf of their organisation. Here is the full list of consortium partners.

José van Gerven
Province of Gelderland
We are working on the transition to nature-inclusive agriculture and or circular farming with a good earning model for farmers. We are looking to understand new sustainable farming practices and in particular the opportunities for agroforestry.

Marcel van Diemen
Vitalis Biologische Zaden B.V
CropMix is a good mix of researchers and growers, so this research project has a good chance of succeeding in finding answers to questions, how we can start shaping the future of agriculture responsibly. As a breeding company, we want to be prepared for these developments so that we can provide our customers, the growers of the future, with good varieties.
About Vitalis
Vitalis Organic Seeds has been a leader in organic horticulture worldwide for 25 years, thanks to its strong partnership with Enza Zaden. High-tech developments, coupled with organic breeding and production forms a strong balance for the future. I have been involved in this for more than 30 years and I can see that it is producing great results for the organic grower.

Miriam van Bree
CIV Groen
Education trains employees and entrepreneurs of the future. In that future, fewer crop protection products will be available and more work will be done with robust cultivation systems. The knowledge from CropMix is therefore relevant for teachers and students in vocational education: they will have to work with it in the future.
About CIV Groen
CIV Groen (The Centre for Innovative Expertise) is the foundation for the cooperation of entrepreneurs, the green MBO educational institutions and the government on practical innovation, labour market and educational innovation.

Peter Keijzer
Louis Bolk Institute
Crop diversity in mixed and strip cropping can offer benefits in cropping practice, product quality and and in terms of ecosystem services. A large programme like CropMix offers the opportunity to cash in on the opportunities here. As project advisor, I am happy to contribute to this insanely interesting programme.
About Louis Bolk Institute
The Louis Bolk Institute is an independent knowledge institute that has been developing knowledge for sustainable agriculture, nutrition and health for over 45 years. Three links that are strongly interconnected and require an integrated approach. We work on strengthening natural systems and processes, be it an agricultural area, a farm, a patient or an urban neighbourhood. We do this together with stakeholders from the field (participatory), working on practical and applicable results. Specifically in the field of crop diversity, in recent years we have focused on mixed cultivation of cereals and legumes, with the selection of suitable crops and varieties, making advantages visible and resolving disadvantages, and helping to develop marketing chains. With and for growers, always on and from the farm.

Wouter Bulk
BASF has embedded sustainability as a foundation in its strategy. Therefore, we are very involved in any steps we can take in the agricultural sector to achieve further sustainability. Hence, we participate in the Cropmix project set up by WUR. We would like to contribute with the knowledge available within BASF on crop protection and crop management. It would be great if, at the end of the project, we have more tools to further reduce CO2 emissions, fertilisers and crop protection products. At BASF, we are working on solutions to help farmers and growers further towards sustainable agriculture. If this can be done with fewer inputs, that's a win for all parties. Hopefully, with the help of ecology, we will succeed in making further steps in this. We look forward to further cooperation with the researchers and partners involved.
About BASF
Agriculture is fundamental to producing enough healthy and affordable food for a rapidly growing global population while reducing environmental impacts. By collaborating with partners and agricultural experts and integrating sustainability criteria into all business decisions, we help farmers and growers create a positive impact on sustainable agriculture. This is why we invest in a strong R&D pipeline that combines innovative thinking with practical and concrete actions in the field. Our portfolio includes seeds and specifically selected plant traits, chemical and biological crop protection, solutions for soil management, plant health, pest management and digital agriculture. With experts in the lab, field, customer, office and production sites, we strive to strike the right balance for success - for farmers, agriculture and future generations. In 2021, our division generated sales of €8.2 billion.

Tom Groot
Koppert supplies natural solutions for horticulture and arable farming. Our products include insects and mites, micro-organisms and bumblebees. These contribute to crop diversity and support natural processes as well as crop diversity.
Koppert has traditionally been mainly focused on horticulture, crops grown in greenhouses. In recent years, we have also been focusing more on open-air crops.
In field crops, more insects fly into the crop than in a more or less closed greenhouse. These insects include both pests and beneficial species. Increasing crop diversity, as with strip cultivation, is one way to keep the balance between pests and natural enemies right. the targeted release of natural enemies, as Koppert does, is another. In CropMix, I see a very good opportunity to explore how both methods can reinforce each other.

Thea van Beers
Within Agrifirm, I am a knowledge coordinator. We translate all relevant research and developments into new solutions and advice for our growers. To be able to continue to advise our growers properly, we want to think ahead about possible future cultivation systems. Strip cropping can complement existing cultivation systems. Why a grower should go for it, we would like to learn here.

Jeroen van Arkel
Aeres University of Applied Sciences
At Aeres University of Applied Sciences in Dronten, I like to give students background knowledge about agricultural crops and their interaction with the environment. I hope this helps future farmers and advisers to understand the processes in the plant and the influence of the environment on it. In practice, this would help guide crop yield and quality. My driving force in CropMix is my curiosity about crop-environment interactions and their effect on plant production and plant substances.
Aeres University of Applied Sciences will embed CropMix in education (practicals and lectures) with a focus on the ecology and agronomy of mixed cropping systems including the adoption of these systems by farmers.

Artemis represents the interests of companies in research, production and sales of biological controllers/pollinators, plant protection products of natural origin and biostimulants in the Dutch agribusiness sector with the mission to expand the market of biological solutions in agriculture and horticulture by stimulating a change in mindset. The vision is aimed at meeting societal demands for sustainability by switching to resilient plants and cultivation systems, with biology serving as the basis. The concept of biological buffering is essential, with the aim of creating healthier soils and more resilient crops. Artemis emphasises the importance of organic products at all levels of the cropping system.

Monique van Vegchel
Plantum is the trade association for breeders and young plant growers.
The transition to more sustainable cropping systems is of great importance. Good varieties that fit these cultivation systems are an important element. We would like to contribute ideas on the role breeding can play in the further development of new cultivation systems.

Sanne Veel
AVVN natuurlijk tuinieren
I work as a communications and content specialist at AVVN. I bring information about CropMix to our members through the newsletter, social media channels, website and our magazine De Tuinliefhebber.
See also our collaboration in MoestuinMix.
About AVVN
AVVN together natural gardening has stood up for the interests of allotment gardeners since 1928. We have 220 allotments as members, with a total of 32,000 gardeners. We advocate the preservation and expansion of greenery in the residential environment. Gardening together is not only healthy and connecting, if done naturally it is also good for biodiversity. Many of our gardeners have a vegetable garden, where they practice crop diversity.
We support a sustainable way of growing food, together with nature. We believe this transition in agriculture is very much needed. We are happy to put CropMix in contact with our members, who as vegetable gardeners can provide valuable information to the research.

Ans Hobbelink
AVVN natuurlijk tuinieren
We support a sustainable way of growing food, together with nature. We believe this transition in agriculture is very much needed. We are happy to put CropMix in contact with our members, who as vegetable gardeners can provide valuable information to the research.
I am a board member at AVVN. Renewing and opening up allotment parks is an important part of my work. As well as cooperating and sharing knowledge with related organisations in the field of nature, gardening and biodiversity. As a pensionado, my knowledge and experience come in handy.
Apart from working and enjoying in my allotment garden, I like to head out for photography of butterflies and other beauty in nature.
About AVVN
AVVN together natural gardening has stood up for the interests of allotment gardeners since 1928. We have 220 allotments as members, with a total of 32,000 gardeners. We advocate the preservation and expansion of greenery in the residential environment. Gardening together is not only healthy and connecting, if done naturally it is also good for biodiversity. Many of our gardeners have a vegetable garden, where they practice crop diversity.