Appreciation for Mariëlle Keijzer

Last week, on 13 October, one of our participating arable farmers received an award. Mariëlle Keijzer received the 'Value Ring' from agricultural deputy Jan Klopman on behalf of the province of Flevoland for her efforts to find and maintain the balance between ecology and arable farming.

Mariëlle is a tenant of Het Flevo-landschap, with whom she works together on nature conservation. She also sits as secretary on the board of BoerenNatuur Flevoland. Furthermore, she commits to clean water with Waterschap Zuiderzeeland . On her farm, she has a washing station for agricultural vehicles, which collets the waste water and lets it decompose organically.

Congratulations, Mariëlle!

CropMix is financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO)

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