Harvest in full swing

The time is right

In the last few weeks, crops have been harvested in both Wageningen and Lelystad on the experimental fields. We harvested oats, field beans and onions. The pumpkins were early this year and many of our PhDs had to step up a gear to get everything off the field and collect their data. Anyone who thought PhD candidates only sit inside behind a desk, was wrong.

Several researchers use the harvests for analyses, for example comparing yields between strip cropping and monoculture references.

Thanks to Hilde Faber and Büşra Nur Sayginer for the beautiful photos and capturing the hard work.

Pumpkin harvest at Droevendaal, Wageningen
Field bean harvest at Droevendaal, Wageningen
Oat harvest at ERF, Lelystad
Onion harvest at ERF, Lelystad

CropMix is financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO)

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